Rain, Rain, Rain

Oh, how we love the rainy days on the farm.  I don't think there's a nicer sound than rain on a tin roof.

Living on the farm we are dependent on Mother Nature. We need rain at the right time and we need sunshine at the right time.  Us, our crops and our livestock all depend on rain.

So far this year we have had 215mm (8 1/2" in the old measurements).  We are fortunate as there are other areas that haven't had that much.  We have survived on less but we are praying for a wet Spring.

One of our favourite activities to do on a rainy day is to go and jump in mud puddles. Regardless of the weather conditions, Winter or Summer my daughter loves to get wet and muddy.

It's all good clean fun, clothes and bodies wash but you can't wash away that smile.




Well bookweek has been and gone, Phew!! that was hectic, but Isabel loved her costume, so it was well worth it.

After finishing Isabel's costume I didn't know if I could make her teachers and my costume because of my sore back (I had a back muscle spasm, ouch).  But with a visit to the chiropractor and acupuncturist I was slowly on the mend.

I had ideas running around in my head and managed to put them into production and created the following costumes.

Princess Poppy (from "Trolls")

This ended up being fairly easy, I just made a sack dress and appliqued the flower detail on the bottom.  The top had wide ric-rac threaded through and tied over the shoulders. 

I found inspiration for the headpiece on the internet, but after continually flopping down into the teachers face I will have to do a bit of tweaking to make it stay upright.

My costume only required a cardboard box, some paint and my farm clothes.

I went as "Minecraft Steve (Ann)" from the Minecraft computer game that the kids seem to love at the moment. I even found a book about Minecraft.

With a quick google I printed off a guide to help me paint the head and off I went.  The hammer came from a Bunnings promotion and I was set to create my own Minecraft world.

Two simple costumes that didn't cost me anything but my time.




We have Chickens

We have Chickens!!

Further to my post in August we are very excited to announce we have chickens.

I don't know who is more excited me or my daughter.

Our wonderful little broody hen, who has been dubbed "clucky", hatched 7 little chickens while we were away for the weekend.  When I got home on the Sunday I went to feed the chooks and found 2 empty shells in her nesting box.

The brown chicken has been dubbed "Browny". 

On Monday morning we checked and there were definitely little fluffy chickens underneath her.  By Monday afternoon she was down on the ground protecting 1 little chicken who had fallen out of the nesting box, so I carefully lifted out the other 6 chickens and put them with her.  She quickly scooped them underneath her and gave me a few pecks for my trouble.

The runt of the litter (far left) is now called "Grunty". 
We have (hopefully) put up enough protection around the chook yard to keep the little darlings in their yard and away from the other chooks. The chickens are enjoying the chickfeed and other vegetable scraps and learning off their mother.

We are still to name the other 5 chickens, but don't fret, the names will be forthcoming as their personalities develop.

Mother and chickens are doing well.




Having a blah day

Do you ever have one of those days when you don't feel like doing anything?

Well I've had one of those weeks!  I call them my "blah" days.

This past week I have been uninspired to do anything. I didn't craft, I didn't garden and I didn't clean. I did manage to do the basics, like get my daughter ready for school, prepare basic meals, the minimum of washing and do the basic housecleaning (ie. sweeping and dishes).

I'm not sure what I did all week? I guess I managed to do some things because we all survived, and I did have "me time", which is what I think I needed to recharge my batteries.

Anyway, I've got my mojo back and I am up and running (figuratively, definitely not literally) on all 4 cylinders.

Enjoy your "me time"
